Autumn Meadowhawk - Sympétrum tardif
(Sympetrum vicinum)

Typical Flight Period: early July June to early November     (records: Jul 4 - Nov 10)



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Description: The Autumn Meadowhawk was previously called the Yellow-legged Meadowhawk due to the fact that it is our only meadowhawk species which has yellow or brown legs throughout it's adult lifecycle.   All of our other meadowhawk species have black legs as adults; however, their legs may be yellow or brown for a very brief period after they emerge.

Unlike our other meadowhawk species, the Autumn Meadowhawk has very little black on it's abdomen with little or no black or dark coloration on the abdomen except for a bit of dark smudging on the top and sides of the abdomen near the tip (usually the last 2-3 segments)

Although the name Yellow-legged Meadowhawk was somewhat more descriptive than its current name, the common name was changed to Autumn Meadowhawk because its legs are not always yellow and because it is the meadowhawk species that flies later in the fall than any other.   In fact, here in NB, it is typically the last species of dragonfly to be encountered in the fall, often by several weeks.